General Residential Sanitation Collection (Garbage and Recycling)

Van Buren Residential Sanitation Agreement:  The Agreement between Van Buren and Waste Management of Arkansas expired on December 31, 2024.  In June 2024 the program was advertised for competitive bids.  Three bids were recieved for Automated Collection utilizing contractor provided carts for both Solid Waste (garbage) Collection and Recyling Collection. NO bids were recieved for a traditional Manual Collection system.  The Residential Sanitation Agreement was awarded to the low bidder, CARDS River Valley, beginning January 1, 2025.  Information regarding the program and the transition process will be published in the near future and will include mail notifications with Van Buren Municipal Utilitiy Bills.

2025 Van Buren Municipal Utilities Holiday Schedule
City of Van Buren Municipal Utilities is open Monday through Friday (Lobby 8:00 a.m. to
4:30 p.m.) (Drive thru 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) throughout the year except for 11 holidays

New Year's Day (January 1st)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 20th)
President's Day (February 17th)
Memorial Day (May 26th)
Independence Day (July 4th)
Labor Day (September 1st)
Veteran's Day (November 11th)
Thanksgiving Day (November 27th)
The Day After Thanksgiving (November 28th)
Christmas Eve (December 24th)
Christmas Day (December 25th)


2025 Residential Sanitation and Recycle Pickup Holiday Schedule
City of Van Buren residential sanitation and recycling is collected Monday through Friday
throughout the year except for 6 holidays.

New Year’s Day (Wednesday, January 1st)
Memorial Day (Monday, May 26th)
Independence Day (Friday, July 4th)
Labor Day (Monday, September 1st)
Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 27th)
Christmas Day (Thursday, December 25th)



   When pickup falls on a holiday the rest of that weeks collection will be collected one day later than the normal pickup day unless otherwise published or announced.


For information regarding Residential Yard Waste Collection provided by the City of Van Buren Street Department visit or call 479-471-5009

Sanitation Collection Ordinance

Van Buren Residential Sanitation Rate January 2025 Odinance No. 16-2024

City of Van Buren Residential Sanitation Collection Bill Insert November 2024
CARDS Van Buren Residential Sanitation Collection Mailer December 2024