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Office Closure and Service Update

Due to inclement weather, our office will close today, Thursday, January 9th, at 12:00 PM. For your convenience, our drop box will remain available for payments. Please note that trash collection routes may experience delays under the current weather conditions.

If you have an emergency regarding a water line break or a sewer back up please call us at 479-474-5067.

CARDS will resume Van Buren residential sanitation collection as road conditions and landfill opening permit on Saturday January 11th.  THey will work to complete the Thursday collection route and then move to collect as much of the Friday route as possible. Please leave your carts out until emptied, we sincerely appreciate your patinece during this event. Contact CARDS at 877-592-2737 or municipal@cardsrecycling.com

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.